ios - Set up Delegate relationship between two views and send messages -

in ios, building app in swift. have view container view set within it, linking embedded view. has been set using storyboards.

how set delegate relationship between views in swift code can send messages / trigger functions in 1 view other?

any appreciated!

suppose have 2 views viewa , viewb

instance of viewb created inside viewa, viewa can send message viewb's instance, reverse happen need implement delegation (so using delegate viewb's instance send message viewa)

follow these steps implement delegation

1) in viewb create protocol as

protocol viewbdelegate{     func delegatemethod(controller:viewb, text:string) } 

2) declare delegate in sender class

class viewb: uiview {     var delegate: viewbdelegate! = nil } 

3) use method in class call delegate method as

@ibaction func calldelegatemethod(sender : uibarbuttonitem) {         delegate!. delegatemethod(self, text: colorlabel.text)  //assuming delegate assigned otherwise error } 

4) adopt protocol in classa

class viewa: uiview, viewbdelegate { 

5) implement delegate

func delegatemethod(controller: viewb, text: string) {     label.text = "the text " +  text } 

6) set delegate

override func anyfuction()  {       // create viewb instance , set delegate       viewb.delegate = self } 

note : rough idea of delegation in swift between 2 classes, can customize per requirements.


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