parallel processing - Using spmd or parfor in Matlab -
i trying run experiments in parallel using matlab 2011b time-consuming. wondering if me 'translate' following block of generic (non-working) parfor code work in spmd code.
amountofoptions = 8; startstockprice = 60 + 40 * rand(1,amountofoptions); strike = 70 + 20 * rand(1,amountofoptions); v = 0.35 + 0.3 * rand(1,amountofoptions); iv = 0.25 + 0.1 * rand(1,amountofoptions); sigma = 0.15 + 0.65 * rand(1,amountofoptions); riskfreerate = 0.05 + 0.1 * rand(1,amountofoptions); tn = fix(1 + 3 * rand(1,amountofoptions)); tic; g=1:amountofoptions i=1:10 n = i*5; cti = zeros(1,n); sti = zeros(1,n); b = zeros(1,n); d1_ti = zeros(1,n); delta_t = zeros(1,n); ctn = 0; cmtn = 0; result = 0; t = (1:n)/n; dt = 1/n; c_mt0 = 0; j=1:10 b = sigma(g)*randn(1,n); part1 = startstockprice(g)*normcdf((log(startstockprice(g)/strike(g))+(riskfreerate(g)+(0.5*(iv(g))^2))*(tn))/(v(g)*sqrt(tn)),0,sigma(g)); part2 = exp(-riskfreerate(g)*tn)*strike(g)*normcdf((log(startstockprice(g)/strike(g))+(riskfreerate(g)-(0.5*(iv(g))^2))*(tn))/(iv(g)*sqrt(tn))); c_mt0 = part1 - part2; sti(1) = startstockprice(g); j = 2:n-1 sti(j)=sti(j-1)*exp( (riskfreerate(g)-dt*0.5*sigma(g)^2) * t(j)*dt + sigma(g)*b(j)); end sti(n) = sti(n-1)*exp( (riskfreerate(g)-dt*0.5*sigma(g)^2) * t(n)*dt + sigma(g)*b(n)); parfor = 1:n-1 d1ti(i) = (log(sti(i)/strike(g)) + (riskfreerate(g) + v(g).^2/2) * (tn - t(i))) / (v(g) * sqrt(tn - t(i))); end parfor = 1:n-1 cti(i) = sti(i).*normcdf((d1ti(i)),0,sigma(g)) - exp(-riskfreerate(g).*(tn(g) - t(i))).*strike(g).*normcdf(((d1ti(i) - v(g)*sqrt(tn(g) - t(i)))) , 0 ,sigma(g)); end if((sti(n) - strike(g)) > 0) ctn = sti(n) - strike(g); else ctn = 0; end parfor = 1:n-1 delta_t(i) = normcdf((d1ti(i)),0,sigma(g)); end cmtn = ctn - c_mt0*exp(riskfreerate(g)*tn(g)); result= cmtn + result; end result= result/10; end end time = toc;
i've used parfor on spmd because it's more logical me. since parfor requires each iteration within loop independent of other iterations. it's easy encapsulating using following method.
% initial variables amountofoptions = 8; startstockprice = 60 + 40 * rand(1,amountofoptions); strike = 70 + 20 * rand(1,amountofoptions); v = 0.35 + 0.3 * rand(1,amountofoptions); iv = 0.25 + 0.1 * rand(1,amountofoptions); sigma = 0.15 + 0.65 * rand(1,amountofoptions); riskfreerate = 0.05 + 0.1 * rand(1,amountofoptions); tn = fix(1 + 3 * rand(1,amountofoptions)); % open parpool try parpool; catch end % use parfor parfor = 1:amountofoptions [startstockprice(i),strike(i),v(i),iv(i),sigma(i),riskfreerate(i),tn(i)] = fun( startstockprice(i),strike(i),v(i),iv(i),sigma(i),riskfreerate(i),tn(i) ); end
then can create encapsulating function fun
accept parameters , process/reoutput them. have following definition/header:
function [startstockprice,strike,v,iv,sigma,riskfreerate,tn] = fun( startstockprice,strike,v,iv,sigma,riskfreerate,tn );
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