- Linq-To-Sql SubmitChanges Not Updating Database -
i've read multiple questions similar 1 none situation.
using linq-to-sql insert new record , submit changes. then, in same web request, pull same record, , update it, submit changes. changes not saved. databasecontext same across both these operations.
var transaction = _factory.createtransaction(siteid, userid, questionid, type, amount, transactionid, processor); using (iunitofwork unitofwork = unitofwork.begin()) { transaction.amount = amount; _transactionrepository.add(transaction); unitofwork.commit(); }
select , update:
itransaction transaction = _transactionrepository.findbyid(transactionid); if (transaction == null) throw new exception(constants.errorcannotfindtransactionwithid.formatwith(transactionid)); using (iunitofwork unitofwork = unitofwork.begin()) { transaction.crmid = crmid; transaction.updatedat =; unitofwork.commit(); }
here's unit of work code:
public virtual void commit() { if (_isdisposed) { throw new objectdisposedexception(gettype().name); } _database.submitchanges(); }
i went designer.cs file , put breakpoint on field being set not updated. stepped through , entered , execute set
code, entity should getting "notified" of change field:
public string crmid { { return this._crmid; } set { if ((this._crmid != value)) { this.oncrmidchanging(value); this.sendpropertychanging(); this._crmid = value; this.sendpropertychanged("crmid"); this.oncrmidchanged(); } } }
other useful information:
- objecttracking enabled
- no errors or exceptions when second submitchanges called (just silently fails update)
- sql profiler shows insert , select not subsequent update statement. linq-to-sql not generating update statement.
- there 1 database, 1 database string, update not going database
- the table has primary key.
i don't know cause linq-to-sql not issue update command , not raise kind of error. perhaps problem stems using same datacontext instance? i've refreshed object database using datacontact.refresh method before pulled update, didn't help.
i have found root cause. using unity. initial insert being performed in service class perwebrequest lifetime. select , update happening in class singleton lifetime. assumption datacontext instances same incorrect.
so, in class singleton lifetime, fresh instance of database repository , perform update , no problem.
now still don't know why original code didn't work , approach still considered more workaround solution, did solve problem , useful others.
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