java - Where are my tables in H2? -

i deploy web app wildfly 8.02 final server. use default out of box datasource comes server jndi name space:


and use default url:


to access h2 intellij idea database client tool or other client applications (i use url connection, because tcp connection via default port doesn't work).

the app empty war entity beans , persistence.xml file. intend test purely tables created in underlying data source in accordance annotations.

here thing: when set in persistence.xml:

<property name="javax.persistence.schema-generation.database.action" value="drop-and-create"/> 

war succesfully deployed, when connect via client tool h2 data source can see pre-defined tables after:

select * information_schema.tables 

i can create tables via client tools , able track existence previous sql query. seems tables hadn't been created jpa framework.

but when change persistence.xml different schema creation mode:

<property name="javax.persistence.schema-generation.database.action" value="create"/> 

deployment fail jdbc exception telling jpa tries create existing tables, @ same time client tools still not show user created tables.


take @ :

to access in-memory database process or computer,  need start tcp server in same process in-memory database  created. other processes need access database on tcp/ip  or tls, using database url such as: jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/mem:db1. 

look here example:

h2 database in memory mode cannot accessed console


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