jquery - how to show preloader while loading content using yii CJuitabs -
i trying show preloader when press tab in cjuitabs not show prealoader. doing wrong?
<div id="outertabs"> <?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.cjuitabs', array( 'tabs' => array( 'bundle (' . $bundletotal . ')' => array( 'ajax' => $this->createurl('/frontier/buyflow/bundles'), 'id'=>'bundletab' ), 'standalone (' . $internettotal . ')' => array( 'ajax' => $this->createurl('/frontier/buyflow/standalone'), 'id'=>'stanadalonetab' ), 'phone (' . $phonetotal . ')' => array( 'ajax' => $this->createurl('/frontier/buyflow/phone'), 'id'=>'phonetab' ) ) // panel 3 contains content rendered partial view , // additional javascript options tabs plugin 'options' => array( 'collapsible' => true, 'select'=>"js:function(){ $('#bundletab').html('loading...') }", ), 'htmloptions' => array( 'style' => 'width:100%;float:left', ), 'id' => 'mytab-menu' )); ?> </div>
thank you.
try remove
'options' => array( 'collapsible' => true, 'select'=>"js:function(){ $('#bundletab').html('loading...') }", ),
and handle via manual javascript in way:
<script> $(document).ready(function () { $('#bundletab').click(function () { $(this).html("loading..."); }); }); </script>
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