
Showing posts from August, 2010

Python pseudocode to code -

i having problems implementing code need write based on pseudocode have. code in python (because have limited experience it), have having problems "for" statement. my pseudocode is: patterncount(text, pattern) count ← 0 ← 0 |text| − |pattern| if text(i, |pattern|) = pattern count ← count + 1 return count with input of strings text , pattern , need output of count(text, pattern) i think should work: text.count(pattern)

database - MySQL query takes ages to return on a huge table -

i have big table , following code takes 990 sec. complete. bdate , itype indexed. else need optimize/change? select s, count(*) total `mt_ex_15` bdate > '2014-10-01' , bdate < '2014-11-01' , itype = '3' group s order total desc edit: here explain id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows 1 simple mt_ex_15 ref itype,bdate,s itype 2 const 44157686 using where; using temporary; using filesort edit: think need optimize db or my.cnf because following query took 40 secs. select count(*) total `mt_ex_15` bdate > '2015-02-01' , bdate < '2015-03-01' and here explain: id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows 1 simple mt_ex_15 range bdate bdate 3 null 4494019 using where; using index for query: select s, count(*) total `mt_ex_15` bdate > '2014-10-01' , bdate < '2...

jquery - Cannot hover on dynamically generated div element -

i dynamically generating row , col-xs-6 col-sm-4 inside #locations-content div element. <div id="locations-content"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-4"><img class="img-thumbnail" src="assets/img/boston.jpg" id="boston-img-popup"></div> </div> </div> i trying image fade on hover, doesn't appear working. there wrong code: $('#locations-content').on('hover', '.row > .col-xs-6.col-sm-4', function(event){ $(this).find('img').fadeto('slow', 0.4); $(this).find('img').fadeto('slow', 1); }); i believe need use mouseenter instead of hover $('#locations-content').on('mouseenter', '.row > .col-xs-6.col-sm-4', function(event){ $(this).find('img').fadeto('slow', 0.4); $(this).find('img').fadeto('slow', 1); })...

.net - Old C# project pushed to repository, but fails compiling because missing DLLs in VS2013 -

last year ex-employee pushed visual studio project our gitblit repository, once checked out , tried compile it, says error 51 metadata file 'd:\git\epimst\mstdao\bin\debug\mstdao.dll' not found d:\git\epimst\epimst\csc epimst error 47 metadata file 'd:\git\epimst\epidao\bin\debug\epidao.dll' not found d:\git\epimst\epiapputils\csc epiapputils error 48 metadata file 'd:\git\epimst\epidao\bin\debug\epidao.dll' not found d:\git\epimst\mstdao\csc mstdao error 50 metadata file 'd:\git\epimst\epidao\bin\debug\epidao.dll' not found d:\git\epimst\epimst\csc epimst so solution copy these dlls our deployed software , copy them various directories. fixed 'count not found' errors, host of undefined code errors came up. seeing how code did work @ point , live packages still function, cant figure out went wrong between code being checked in , checked out me. unfortunately cant in touch 1 employee ...

cq5 - Is there a way to have components in CQ 5.6 inherit editConfig properties? -

i'm trying figure out how set cq:disabletargeting=true components can added parsys. tried setting cq:childeditconfig in parsys cq:editconfig approach did not work. believe because each component has it's own cq:editconfig . there way set property child components can inherit within own cq:editconfig ? if components inheriting ( sling:resourcesupertype ) foundation/components/parbase example, can make overlay of component defining cq:editconfig new settings. still have problem if 1 of components have overwrite cq:editconfig other settings.

semantic web - Why is owl:Restriction reasoning not working in Blazegraph? -

with following rdf in blazegraph (taken this answer ): :eats rdf:type owl:objectproperty . :vegetable rdf:type owl:class ; rdfs:subclassof owl:thing . :vegetarian rdf:type owl:class ; owl:equivalentclass [ rdf:type owl:restriction ; owl:onproperty :eats ; owl:somevaluesfrom :vegetable ] . :carrot rdf:type :vegetable , owl:namedindividual . :john rdf:type owl:namedindividual , owl:thing ; :eats :carrot . the following sparql returning blank: select ?who { ?who :vegetarian . } here blazegraph namespace configs (blazegraph running nanosparqlserver command line): 1024 com.bigdata.relation.container test-ng-2 com.bigdata.journal.abstractjournal.buffermode diskrw com.bigdata.journal.abstractjournal.file bigdata.jnl com.bigdata.journal.abstractjournal.initialextent 20...

javascript - Can't get correct values from each statement -

i have object (called alluserinfo that's this: object { available_client_ids: array[2] 0: "demo" 1: "4532t78" available_client_names: array[2] 0: "demo" 1: "bobs bakery" email: " } i need available_client_ids , available_client_names , keep coming undefined or worse. i'm trying this: $.each(alluserinfo, function(index, value) { $('.clients_available3').append("<option>" + index.available_client_names + "</option>"); }); this give me many undefined things appended select ( clients_available3 ). needs like: $.each(alluserinfo.available_client_names, function(index, value) { $('.clients_available3').append("<option>" + index.available_client_names + "</option>"); }); but doesn't work either. edit if this, $.each(alluserinfo.available_client_names, function(index, value) { $('.clients_ava...

rust - Confusion with short lived lifetimed values that (on the surface) seem perfectly safe -

i'm having issue writing lexical analyzer in rust functions starting complain simple snippets otherwise appear harmless. starting become annoyance error messages not helping me pinpoint cause of problems , second time i'm reaching out on same program in same week (previous question here ). i have read book, i've understood it. i've watched/read numerous other articles , videos discussing lifetimes (both explicit , implicit) , part concept behind borrowing , moving make perfect sense, except in cases following: my lexer has next function who's purpose peek ahead @ next character , return it. struct lexer<'a> { src: str::chars<'a>, buf: string, // ... not important } impl<'a> lexer<'a> { // ... not relevant // -> option<&char> caused it's own slew of problems // thought dereferencing character solve. fn next(&self) -> option<char> { let res = self.src...

c - Arduino Pro Mini Splash Screen -

i want build altimeter: . while waiting parts arrive, started looking on code. have splash.c file. code in file: * // splash.c // font type : splash screen // font size : 128x64 pixels // memory usage : 1024 bytes #include <avr/pgmspace.h> uint8_t splash[] progmem={ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0f, 0xff, 0xbf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0f, 0xff, 0xbf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, ...

java - failed to process json data in android -

[{"acteurid":"86744570","productions":[{"variete":"riz","recolte":"10000"}],"nom":"charles diouf"},{"acteurid":"6535150","productions":[{"variete":"riz","recolte":"1000"}],"nom":"daba diouf"},{"acteurid":"86817462","productions":[{"variete":"riz","recolte":"8000"}],"nom":"diel ndour"},{"acteurid":"14047190","productions":[{"variete":"ble","recolte":"10000"},{"variete":"mais","recolte":"1000"},{"variete":"mais","recolte":"2000"},{"variete":"riz","recolte":"5000"},{"variete":"ble","recolte":"8000...

Python Django runserver pop out a note pad -

i learning python django through youtube. followed tutorial step step: used django-admin startproject mysite create new project, went mysite directory , ran runserver . supposed give me validating model information, poped out notepad. content of listed below: #!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys if __name__ == "__main__": os.environ.setdefault("django_settings_module", "mysite.settings") import execute_from_command_line execute_from_command_line(sys.argv) it command did nothing. can tell me wrong? thank you! it needs executed python. try python runserver

internet explorer - jsp function works in IE but not chrome or firefox -

the following code dialog box comes when processing command user can dismiss. works in ie chrome , firefox not allow dismissed once running. <a4j:status id="statuswaitint" forceid="true" onstart="javascript:richfaces.showmodalpanel('waitmodalpanel2');" onstop="javascript:richfaces.hidemodalpanel('waitmodalpanel2');"> </a4j:status> <rich:modalpanel id="waitmodalpanel2" autosized="true" width="200" height="50" resizeable="false"> <f:facet name="header"> <h:panelgrid columns="2" width="100%"> <h:outputtext value="iws processing..." styleclass="textlabel"/> <h:graphicimage value="/images/close.jpg" style="cursor:pointer;float:right;" onclick="richfaces.hidem...

Embedding an HTML Image in a mail? -

i have requirement have embed image in mail , when user click on image redirect him new site. have no idea should provide in image src. possible through html. require guidance. thanks. this trial html <html> <head> </head> <title>trial</title> <body bgcolor="#ffffff" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"> <center> <table width="900" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td><a href="siteaddr"> <img style="float:left;" src="myimage.jpg" width="900" height="356" alt="my image" border="0" /></a></td> </tr> </table> </center> </body> </html> inline embedding (base64 encoding) inline embedding more simple, because don’t have roll own emails , ...

command line interface - Is it possible to set PHP CLI include_path from environment? -

is there way set (or add to) php include_path environment variable when running cli php? i'm looking php analog java's classpath or perl 5's perl5lib. gut tells me should there, can't find it. if there no such thing, guess follow-up is: there best practice achieving this? keep in mind that, in case, include_path should not same users, or every application.

android - Slow Startup with Ionic -

i'm trying out ionic framework , finding application loading basic tabs app (almost no changes). here's did: ionic start tabsdemo tabs cd \tabsdemo ionic platform add android ionic build tabsdemo i commented out 2 splash screen elements in configuration. running on htc m7, see black screen ~3 seconds before application loads first time. after resources cached , app loads fine. is there setting or can app load in reasonable amount of time or ionic apps suffer this? try out other devices. works fine on multiple brands use testing while developing apps. ionic apps tested on: karbon micromax nexus moto-e ipad iphone

Move files that contain a string to a subfolder with the same name as the original (PowerShell) -

i'm using powershell , 2 days i'm struggling on issue. in directory c:\dir_1 have many subfolders (sub_1, sub_2, ..., sub_n). each of them contains several text files. each subfolder i=1,2,...,n, want move text files contain string "my-string" directory c:\dir_2\sub_i. for example, if file x in path c:\dir1\sub_5 contains string "my-string", want move location c:\dir_2\sub_5. destination folder existing. i tried several modifications of following code, not work: get-childitem "c:\dir_1" | where-object {$_.psiscontainer -eq $true} | foreach-object {get-childitem "c:\dir_1\$_" | select-string -pattern "my-string" | group path | select name | %{move-item $ "c:\dir_2\$_"}} so, basically, tried is: foreach subfolder in dir_1, take files contain string , move them subfolder in dir_2 same name. tried several small modifications of code, cannot around mistakes. main error "move-item: given path format ...

html - Unable to change the background Carousel color -

i trying luck twitter bootstrap. in beginning stages , want customize original carousel pre-defined theme - have downloaded , put in localhost. i used chrome developer tools see if can change dark background more pleasant color per requirement. couldn't find color without using color picker - #777777. same color in circles. color mentioned in css color darker 1 opacity set show lighter color. i able change carousel navigation background gradient have been struggling find how change background color. i tried search background in css , checked (blc) see if can customize it. particular color in list of things customize. downloaded bootstrap.min.css blc results same i using default page available in github docs/examples/carousel relevant section <!-- carousel ================================================== --> <div id="mycarousel" class="carousel slide" d...

php - Undefined Offset: 2 (lines 22, 28, 29) -

the following code shows error "undefined offset: 2" on lines 22, 28, , 29 $sql = "select email commercialemails dripid = 1 , sent='a'"; if ($resultsd1 = mysqli_query($conn, $sql )) { $affectedrows = mysqli_num_rows($resultsd1); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($resultsd1)){ $results = $row[0]; global $results; } } $broken = explode(' ', $results); $hi = 0; $hello = 0; a: /**line 22 **/ if (substr($broken[$hi], -4) == "com," && $broken[$hi] == "qwert"){ $hey[$hi] = $broken[$hi]; $hello++; } if(substr($broken[$hi], -4) !== "com,"){ // line 28 $hey[$hi] = $broken[$hi]; //line 29 } $hi++; if ($hi == $affectedrows){ if (!isset($hey)){ echo "there no emails"; } else { foreach( $hey $key => $value){ echo $value; } echo $hey; } }else{ goto a;...

javascript - BackgroundColor Undefined -

i don't understand why isn't working. says backgroundcolor undefined. i'm trying change color when clicked , clicking works won't change colors.i think else works minus that, on here can me. or if have suggestions on how improve great. var squares=document.getelementsbyclassname('squares'); for(var = 0; < squares.length; i++) { squares[0].addeventlistener("click", changecolor); } function changecolor(event) { console.log("i work");; } //the code below fine if you're trying debug you've gone far function randomcolor() { var randomred = math.floor(math.random() * 255); var randomgreen = math.floor(math.random() * 255); var randomblue = math.floor(math.random() * 255); //create string ‘random color’ var randomcolor = "rgb("+randomred+","+randomgreen+","+randomblue+")"; return randomco...

adal - Azure AD | Conflict when logged in with another Azure Account -

i have mvc application uses azure ad , openid connect owin middlewares handle authentication. works fine except 1 thing : if user logged-in on microsoft application lets office 365 account or maybe live mail account, when trying login recives page saying not allowed log app, correct, how need catch situation in code allow user sign in different account. there way of doing that? design? mean : user have log in live/azure account @ time ? couldn't find documentation this. as of today there typically 1 user @ time, support way select specific user instead of automatically signing in recent one. 1 way can work around today injecting parameter "prompt=login" in sign in requests. can in redirecttoidentityprovider notifications, showin in domain_hint. cause sign in experience start fresh prompt if user signed in. draw you'll never sso way. our account switic...

piwik error while request data in a daterange -

i have problem getting reports in piwik date range 30 days on dashboard , visitors , actions tabs. when want this error occures : oops… there problem during request. maybe server had temporary issue, or maybe requested report data. please try again. if error occurs repeatedly please contact piwik administrator assistance. i did archiving below command : /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/piwik/console core:archive --url= http://myip/piwik/ , resolved issue on dashboard , , still show error when want reports date range 30 days on visitors , actions tabs. when set date range smaller ranges example 15 days ok , not shows error. have installed piwik on rhel php 5.3.3 , mysql 5.1 . can me how fix problem. thanks i have fixed issue. related data format. after changing date format, able load page out issue. have added error.log reference. hope seeking help. you can change particular table column "date format" using below query: update table_name set field_name =...

java - Any idea on how to achieve this effect without GLSL -

do have idea how 2d effect done other way using glsl shader? such glowing effect, done textures, how such dynamic bubble around them? in case, each object in bubble goes destination. positions send vertex shader , fragment shader. in fragment shader there calculations achieve effect. draw shader on background texture of size 1280x720. the problem is slow. wanted use on mobile phones, think without chance. further problem vertex fragment can not send lot of positions (in case 30 positions). when shader compile more positions reports "not enough space defined varyings". render use libgdx framework. any welcome. achieving similar effect. attach picture here on how should like. , shader code. vertex: attribute vec4 a_position; uniform mat4 u_worldview; uniform float u_xpos[30]; uniform float u_ypos[30]; uniform float u_size; varying float xpos[30]; varying float ypos[30]; varying float size; void main() { gl_position = u_worldview * a_position; size = u_s...

java - iCalendar Meeting Response Not Being Parsed -

i'm trying create client can accept meeting invitation using activesync. have meetingresponse on activesync working, when send confirmation email organizer , attach icalendar formatted reply, doesn't parsed out server should. instead, it's converted attachment , users attendee status never gets updated. here's mime email i'm sending: from: to: tester testing <> message-id: <> subject: accepted: test 11:36 wed mime-version: 1.0 content-type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_part_0_1114661696.1429717004439" ------=_part_0_1114661696.1429717004439 content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable these forced comments ------=_part_0_1114661696.1429717004439 content-type: text/calendar; method=reply; charset=utf-8; name=meeting.ics content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable begin:vcalendar method:reply prodid:xxxemail version:2.0 begin:vevent...

python - Pivot table problems: error 'No numeric types to aggregate' -

i can't figure out why pivot table isn't working, here pivot table , sample of data i'm working with: def pivot(): pivot = pd.pivot_table(clean(),index=['channel','advertiser domain'],values=['ecpm'],columns=['date'],aggfunc=np.mean) return pivot t = clean() t.ix[0] channel col1 advertiser domain bids 35483 imp. 20336 avg. bid cpm (usd) 8.13 revenue (usd) 148.96 ecpm (usd) 7.33 wins 83.97 date 2015-04-14 00:00:00 name: 0, dtype: object output : channel 13601 non-null object advertiser domain 13601 non-null object bids 13601 non-null float64 imp. 13601 non-null float64 avg. bid cpm (usd) 13601 non-null float64 revenue (usd) 13601 ...

javascript - how to use background-position in right way? -

i use css sprite render emojis. jsfiddle demo , have problem background-position attribute, demo show, emojis same. had set background-position show second images in whole emojis image . doesn't work. don't know why. can give me advice. li { list-style: none; } ul { margin: 0; height: 0; } { color: #5188a6; text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; } .smile-bg { top: 34px; left: 0; clear: both; width: 386px; height: 176px; padding: 12px; background-color: #f5f5f5; border: 1px solid #dcdcdc; } .simle-box { width: 386px; height: 140px; padding: 0px; } .simle-box li { width: 36px; height: 36px; float: left; margin: -1px 0 0 -1px; padding: 0; border-bottom: 0; background: blue; } .smile1 { background-position: -34px 0; } .simle-box li { background: url('') no-repeat; width: 34px; height: 34px; displa...

python - calling up function not working -

def td(): choice = input("\nwhich trainning event access?\n1.swimming\n2.cycling\n3.running\n4.comare data\ eight\nplease type in number before event of want choose\n") if choice == "1": ################################################ swim() # call function depending on option user choices, function take user menu elif choice == "2": cyc() elif choice == "3": run() elif choice == "4": comp() elif choice == "5": eight() ###################################################### def swim(): swimming_file_exists = exists("swimming_file.txt") # create swimming has 'txt' in or swimming file exsits if swimming_file_exists == false: # if file doesnt exsit create swimming_file = open("swimming_file","w") # allows user write file swimming_file.close swimming_file = open("swimming_file","a") # open "a...

How to efficiently select a random element from a Scala immutable HashSet -

i have scala.collection.immutable.hashset want randomly select element from. i solve problem extension method this: implicit class hashsetextensions[t](h: hashset[t]) { def nextrandomelement (): option[t] = { val list = h.tolist list match { case null | nil => none case _ => (list (random.nextint (list.length))) } } } ...but converting list slow. efficient solution? warning answer experimental use only. real project should use own collection types. so did research in hashset source , think there little opportunity someway extract inner structure of valuable class hashtrieset without package violation. i did come code, extended ben reich's solution : package scala.collection import scala.collection.immutable.hashset import scala.util.random package object random { implicit class hashsetrandom[t](set: hashset[t]) { def randomelem: option[t] = set match { case trie: hashset.hashtrieset[t] => { tri...

linux - lsof shows difference in open file descriptors in riak process -

when doing lsof -l shows open file descriptors (~180000), when checking lsof -lp pid shows ~1000. know process pid pid has ~170000 file descriptors open. here logs: root@riak:/proc/3238# lsof -l | grep 3238 | wc -l 172923 root@riak:/proc/3238# lsof -lp 3238 | wc -l 1075 root@riak:/proc/3238# ls -la | wc -l 44 root@riak:/proc/3238# ls -la fd | wc -l 924 why there such difference?

html - Flexbox - make flex item child 100% height -

jsfiddle identical html/css i'm working included: how make .box 100% height of parent, in case .box-wrap ? according this post flexbox's item imperfection doesn't act 100% height children. there other way achieve items have same height although height dynamic? thanks time very close in stretching child elements. playing example, add following css .box-wrap .box-wrap { display: -webkit-flex; display: flex; -webkit-flex-direction: column; flex-direction: column; } then add following .box .box { -webkit-flex: 1; flex: 1; } jsfiddle link

c++ - Merging two vectors into a third by even indices from the first vector and odd indices from the second -

i'm trying merge 2 vectors third 1 copying/merging elements @ indices first, , copying/merging elements @ odd indices second. note: both vectors 2 dimensional. i have following logic, doesn't seem work: void pattern::mergepatters( void ) { cout<<"\n merge patters"<<endl; patter_input.reserve( patter_one.size() + patter_two.size() ); for( int i=0;i<patter_one.size(); i++ ){ for( int j =0; j<patter_one[i].size(); j++){ if(j%2==0){ patter_input.push_back( patter_one[j]); } } //cout<< " patter_one answers["<<i<<"]= " << answers_p1[i]<<endl; } for( int i=0;i<patter_two.size(); i++ ){ for( int j =0; j<patter_two[i].size(); j++){ if(j%2!=0){ patter_input.push_back( patter_two[j]); } } //cout<< " patter_one answers["<<i<<"]= " << answers_p1[i]<<endl; } } void...

javascript - Sinon spy on console.log call not registered -

i'm trying learn sinon , want spy on console.log . code simple: function logtoconsole() { console.log('hello world'); } exports.logtoconsole = logtoconsole; but if want test it, doesn't work because call console.log not registered inside system under test: var chai = require('chai'), expect = chai.expect, sinonchai = require('sinon-chai'), sinon = require('sinon'), sut = require('../src/logtoconsole'); chai.use(sinonchai); describe('logtoconsole', function() { it('should spy on console.log', function() { sinon.spy(console, 'log'); sut.logtoconsole(); expect(console.log).to.have.been.called; }); }); however if execute console.log inside test itself, captured , passes: it('should spy on console.log', function() { sinon.spy(console, 'log'); sut.logtoconsole(); console.log('test'); expect(console.log).to.h...

Running Hadoop jar using Luigi python -

i need run hadoop jar job using luigi python. searched , found examples of writing mapper , reducer in luigi nothing directly run hadoop jar. i need run hadoop jar compiled directly. how can it? you need use luigi.contrib.hadoop_jar package ( code ). in particular, need extend hadoopjarjobtask . example, that: from luigi.contrib.hadoop_jar import hadoopjarjobtask import hdfstarget class textextractortask(hadoopjarjobtask): def output(self): return hdfstarget('data/processed/') def jar(self): return 'jobfile.jar' def main(self): return 'com.ololo.hadoopjob' def args(self): return ['--param1', '1', '--param2', '2'] you can include building jar file maven workflow: import luigi luigi.contrib.hadoop_jar import hadoopjarjobtask import hdfstarget luigi.file import localtarget import subprocess import os clas...

visual studio 2012 - TF10175: The team project does not exists -

i use visualstudio online repository. removed [projectname] project collecection of project after got error on 1 computer tf10175: [projectname] team project doesnot exist. any idea solve issue ? i got rid of message deleting workspace. note: remove local mappings. therefore should checkin changes before deleting it. after re-connecting tfs new workspace created automatically. to delete workspace follow these steps: in "team explorer" select "pending changes" beside "check in" button click on "actions" , select "manage workspaces…" select workspace , press "remove" i hope works you.

java - ArrayList is not properly printing User's inputs (ArrayList of a Class) -

i've been tasked create practice database programming assignment. it consists of asking user data of course such as: instructor name, section number, , room number. then ask user information student: student's name, gpa, major, , hours. after getting information course, must create arraylist of student class, , allow user input multiple students. basic prompt go such: please enter section number (1 15) 5 please enter instructor section frankie please enter room number. a1230 please enter name. press enter quit tyler please enter major frank please enter grade point average 3.34 please enter hours 13 please enter name. press enter quit 5 frankie a1230 tyler 13 3.34 frank the sentinel exit loop asking student information exits once user inputs enter name prompt, information printed below. my problem when user tries add more 1 student arraylist. here's example of happens: please enter section number (1 15) 4 please enter instructor ...